Large French Field Bouquet | Bulk Option Available!

Large French Field Bouquet | Bulk Option Available!

from $22.00

A single french lavender bouquet. Organically grown, hand-harvested and dried naturally. Each bundle has approximately 125 stems that are about 14” in length. Lovingly grown and cared for on our lavender farm in Aguanga, California. From our 2023. Perfect for gift giving or enjoying at home.

Bulk Boxes have 12 French Lavender Bouquets.

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Organically grown, hand harvested and dried naturally. Large French Lavender field bundles, each weigh 6 oz, and have over 300 stems, with varying lengths, (the longest being about 14 inches). Lovingly grown and cred for on our lavender farm in Aguanga, California. From our 2023 harvest. Wrapped in our whimsical bee tissue paper, with a cello wrap, complete with a gray ribbon and tag. Perfect for gift giving or enjoying in you own home. Purchase two bouquets for $40.00 or a single bouquet for $30.


Irish Linen Lavender Pillow Insert


100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil


French Laundry Sachets (6)
